I do things on the internet.
Such as Make video games, draw comics, animate, write and other such things.
Commissions are open so uh yeah.

Age 20, Male


Squidward Community College


Joined on 4/9/19

Exp Points:
11,157 / 11,370
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.36 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Safety Patrol
Global Rank:
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OhHeyJude's News

Posted by OhHeyJude - December 24th, 2024

Yeah that's right to hell with your catholic rules! Jesus was born on the seventh of january! And I know that for a fact! I was there when it happened! In fact I have photographic proof! Check it!


Jokes aside...

Crimis commission price drop extravaganza is here!!!!!1!

Go get ye comms! Just like before we can discuss payment via PM's here, on discord my tag is "ohheyjude" or "DorfdeDoesStuff#3538", tumblr if you really wanna "ohheyjudewastaken", twitties "@OhHeyJudesTaken" or if you use msn escargot for some reason my email is "dorfde@escargot.chat".

Remember, this lasts till 7th of January 2025! After that its back to the old prices!




Posted by OhHeyJude - December 19th, 2024

Sup, fools. Look what's sellin'.

Finally got around to rework my commission sheet. Ain't that fun. Just like before my do's and don'ts change if I so much as sneeze so please ask. We can discuss payment via PM's here, on discord my tag is "ohheyjude" or "DorfdeDoesStuff#3538", tumblr if you really wanna "ohheyjudewastaken", twitties "@OhHeyJudesTaken" or if you use msn escargot for some reason my email is "dorfde@escargot.chat". Or maybe you can find me in TurtleWOW. You don't get a username, you have to find a dwarf player and guess which one is me.




Posted by OhHeyJude - October 9th, 2023

Just kinda posting this to say that it's my birthday so uh yea. That would be all k gn


Posted by OhHeyJude - September 27th, 2023

Sup, commissions are finally open!

After like months of slacking off not making a sheet it's finally done. Here's some pretty basic info, you can just ask me about stuff in dm's if you want more details. ALSO my do's and dont's change every time I so much as sneeze so again don't be shy to ask, I'm a weirdo I change my mind on a lot of stuff very frequently so just ask I like talking to new folks anyway.

Hit me up in PM's or on discord. My user name is just "ohheyjude" and my old tag, if it means anything, is "DorfdeDoesStuff#3538".

So yea, hit me up and we can discuss stuff further.





Posted by OhHeyJude - July 12th, 2023

Plan on opening up comms soon, mostly cause I feel like my art finally came to a point where I can confidently say I'm actually proud of it and that people would be interested in my art. So yeah. Expect a sheet soon. Now I gotta figure how to make and actually good looking commission sheet. So uh yea.

Also random side note I might just become more active on NG again. Just feelin like it again idk.

Posted by OhHeyJude - May 22nd, 2022

Hey gang, gonna upload a good few of drawings I haven't put up here yet today. You might've seen em on twitter or even deviant art, maybe even sheezyart while that was up. So yeah, the majority is a bit shit as it was from a year ago but hey thought it'd be fun to share em and hear your thoughts on it all.


Posted by OhHeyJude - March 27th, 2022

Hey, I'm poor. I need da munz. Gib me munz NOW. https://ko-fi.com/dorfdedoesstuff


Posted by OhHeyJude - January 19th, 2022



Posted by OhHeyJude - September 13th, 2021

Ayo, one of my friends @beeni just dropped a demo for a new game, time can tell! I also helped out with some of it so itd be nice if y'all could check it out on itch.io since a lot of effort has been out into the demo! https://beenibroh.itch.io/timecantell


Posted by OhHeyJude - August 30th, 2021

Ayo it's me Dorfde. Just wanted to make a short update about myself and current projects that are on the way or are already out. I'll try and keep it short.

What's up with FilmBudds? Where's the next episode?

To keep a long story short the episode is still in production as we speak. One main issue we're coming across is Noel isn't animating it. As far as I've seen the latest episode is not animated by Noel, who is the creator of the show and lead animator, rather it's being animated by other people on the team and they're not as fast as Noel. By that I mean they don't work 24/7 on filmbudds like Noel because they have other personal stuff to deal with. And the fact that school just started for most of them doesn't help either. Not to mention this is another fairly long episode. Not Morons of the Dead long but long enough to take some time to finish regardless especially after the standards we set in the animation department during morons of the dead, as we constantly try to up our game every episode. So obviously these later episodes will take way longer unlike when filmbudds was basically in its infancy. But work is still being done and in the meantime we're trying to figure something out so y'all still have something to expect from us while we're working on this.

Where's Dorfde Goes to Buy Pepsi Chapter 2? What's up with the random Chapter 1 updates?

For those who don't know I work on Dorfde Goes to Buy Pepsi mostly alone. By that I mean all the mapping, eventing, scripting, most of the art, sprite work and most of the animations are done by me alone. I do have other people help me out with stuff like additional art, animation and music from time to time but for the most part the game is made solo by me. And the fact that I'm trying to do some stuff I haven't seen other RPG Maker games do and develop it on my own without scripting rather just eventing it in rpg maker lemme tell ya it sure does take a lot of time. Especially considering this will be the longest chapter in the game and most intense one yet. That's why I've been pumping out this small updates to keep y'all interested in the game and just fix up stuff I wasn't so proud of and wanted to fix or add to chapter 2 anyway. Again sorry it's taking so long, it'll come out eventually. You just gotta wait for grandpa dorfde here to finally finish it.

What's up with Sheezer? Is this another series attempt that died very early on?

No. Sheezer is still a series I want to do as I'm extremely passionate about the character and it's world I created. I want to do more crazy and wacky ideas for the series but I'm just looking for where to start. I was thinking of creating a short animated pilot for the series and see if y'all like it. However I realized I'm not that good at animation. Like, at all. And making an animated pilot is for a series is almost impossible for someone like me. I'm still lacking the confidence to animate something like that and I lack the confidence to write for it. Even if it's a comic or something I fear that I'll create something that seems fun and a good idea from the start and then instantly regret ever thinking of the series years later. And that's something I really don't want from this series and this character. I want this to be something I'm proud of. Something I can look back on and say I did good. But I'm too afraid to make another fuck up and let history repeat itself. I don't want to hate this series as I hate Boredworld, my old eddsworld au. That's what I fear. Having another Boredworld situation. So for now I'm completely stuck with what to do with this character. If any of y'all have any ideas hit me up. Suggestions are always open.

Any future projects on the way?

Some but not a lot. I'm still trying to finish this one animated skit collection called Dorf-dump witch is basically an asdf movie styled skit collection with random jokes I think of. The problem is I can't think of any. So kinda stuck there. I'm trying to make some very basic music to see how that goes and I guess it's going fine enough. Still could be better though. I plan on making some more rpg maker games in the future. Currently planning out a short fan game for a youtuber I like to watch. I want to make it just so I can take a short break from Dorfde goes to buy pepsi, as this game wont be as intense as that one. Still voice acting for stuff like Eddsworld Reborn so keep an eye out. Not much else is going on really.

Where's Dorfde?

I'm here! Can't you tell? I haven't been all to active on social media recently, especially newgrounds, mostly because of the many personal problems I've been having and been trying to deal with. For online problems I've been dealing with drama left and right and mostly trying to settle it all down but mostly failing to do so. Friends breaking up left and right. Stuff like that. As for IRL its been even worse. My mental health has been at an all time low as of recent mainly due to lack of any IRL communication with friends who are all busy or don't want to talk to me anymore, only having a few dozen or so people actually caring about me not counting my parents. I've started going to a psychiatrist to see what's wrong with me, why can't I socialize anymore or make any new friends or talk just everything. This year mostly sucked but there where still some genuinely great moments that made me happier then ever before. Moments that I will cherish until the day I die. This year has been a bit rough on me but I've been through worse. And thankfully I'm getting better and better everyday. Hopefully now that I start going to school again I'll be able to socialize with people more and hopefully I'll be able to make more friends. And hey, even if that goes south I still have a loving family, some great IRL friends(even if there aren't many), great online friends and even a lovely girlfriend. Things are turning around good for me right now, and hopefully I'll be able to push through and make 2022 an even better year for myself and everyone else.

So that's about it. I'll try upload some art a bit more frequently but it's a bit of a mystery of what exactly I will post. I'll still try and be active on the forums, leave reviews on stuff, play games on here and stuff like that. For now I think I'm done. Oh yeah also for those who don't know my birthday is gonna be in a month or so! The tenth of October! So if you want to say happy birthday to me or whatever that's when, I suppose. But yeah, thank you for reading this.

This is DorfdeDoesStuff signing out.

